June 5, 2013

Acneskinsite.com :: Health benefit of drinking water melon

You’ve always heard how water is vital to your body surviving and working properly. It’s important to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day yet most people don’t follow this and are dehydrated, harming their bodies in the long run. In addition to drinking plenty of water daily, why not add some lemon to it? Some swear that the water must be warm but we at Acne Skin Site think it’s your personal preference. Regardless, start squeezing fresh lemon juice into your water and drop a couple lemon slices into the glass or mug as well. Here are some skin benefits of adding lemon to your water:

Lemons are packed with Vitamin C. Vitamin C repairs damaged skin. Skin injured by the sun, acne, and other skin issues can leave you self-conscious and desperate to find something that can make your skin look better. Vitamin C can help! Our bodies use Vitamin C to replace damaged skin tissue with scar tissue. Wounds and sores heal faster and more effectively when the proper amount of Vitamin C is flowing through the body! Vitamin C assists in the production of collagen and will make your skin more tight and firm. Collagen production is vital for repairing collagen in bones, tendons, and ligaments as well. Collagen production will aid in securing a strong foundation for blood vessels which assist in carrying oxygen and vital nutrients to keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful.

Lemons contain numerous antioxidants. Antioxidants are great for your skin and help maintain its youthful appearance and glow. They minimize fine lines and wrinkles, damage done from the sun and other environmental issues, and can fight acne leaving your skin clear and healthy. In this case, you are drinking up the antioxidants which will heal your body from the inside out! Lemons aid in your digestive health. Lemon water aids in clearing out your digestive tract much more quickly, forcing out the toxins that would normally fester in your body far too long. If toxins remain in the body, they could harm not only your internal organs, which is dangerous but also cause severe acne on your skin. It’s important to flush out all toxins regularly so start with lemon water! You won’t regret it.

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